eConsult is a service which allows patients to submit their symptoms or requests to their own GP electronically. The service also provides a symptom checker as well as signposting to different services. You can request help for your condition, ask for general advice and request administrative help (e.g. sick notes and GP letters). For patient safety, you can no longer request advice for children via eConsult, you will need to contact the surgery on 0191 388 5600 and speak to a member of the team. To find out more watch the short video below.
The service is easy for patients to use. Simply click on the link below and follow the steps to complete the quick form. This will be sent electronically to us and will be reviewed at the surgery. eConsult may also direct you to self-help, pharmacy advice and local self-referral services. Please note eConsults are for non-urgent queries only and the forms submitted via eConsult will only be read during weekday office hours.